The Kelsey Ayer Station
Address |
City | San Jose |
Units | 115 |
Phone | |
Website | |
Additional Info |
In addition to the general population, this property also specifically serves people who are developmentally disabled or physically disabled.
Minimum Occupancy: 1 personMaximum Occupancy: 2 people
Income bracket | Min income (per year) | Max income (per year) | Rent (per month) |
50% AMI | $46,980
Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent |
$64,500 to $73,700
Household of 1: $64,500 |
$1,566 |
60% AMI | $53,070
Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent |
$77,400 to $88,440
Household of 1: $77,400 |
$1,769 |
80% AMI | $59,670
Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent |
$103,200 to $117,920
Household of 1: $103,200 |
$1,989 |
StudioWaitlist Closed
Minimum Occupancy: 1 personMaximum Occupancy: 2 people
Income bracket | Min income (per year) | Max income (per year) | Rent (per month) |
20% AMI | $17,970
Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent |
$25,800 to $29,480
Household of 1: $25,800 |
$599 |
2 BedroomAvailable
Minimum Occupancy: 2 peopleMaximum Occupancy: 5 people
Income bracket | Min income (per year) | Max income (per year) | Rent (per month) |
50% AMI | $60,000
Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent |
$73,700 to $99,500
Household of 2: $73,700 |
$2,000 |
60% AMI | $72,450
Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent |
$88,440 to $119,400
Household of 2: $88,440 |
$2,415 |
80% AMI | $86,970
Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent |
$117,920 to $159,200
Household of 2: $117,920 |
$2,899 |
2 BedroomWaitlist Closed
Minimum Occupancy: 2 peopleMaximum Occupancy: 4 people
Income bracket | Min income (per year) | Max income (per year) | Rent (per month) |
20% AMI | $22,680
Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent |
$29,480 to $36,860
Household of 2: $29,480 |
$756 |