Parkside Glen
Address |
City | San Jose |
Units | 180 |
Phone | |
Website | |
1 BedroomAvailable
Minimum Occupancy: 1 personMaximum Occupancy: 3 people
Income bracket | Min income (per year) | Max income (per year) | Rent (per month) |
50% AMI | $49,140 | $62,450 to $80,300
Household of 1: $62,450 |
$1,764 |
60% AMI | $59,256 | $74,940 to $96,360
Household of 1: $74,940 |
$2,126 |
2 BedroomAvailable
Minimum Occupancy: 2 peopleMaximum Occupancy: 5 people
Income bracket | Min income (per year) | Max income (per year) | Rent (per month) |
50% AMI | $59,256 | $71,400 to $96,350
Household of 2: $71,400 |
$1,971 |
60% AMI | $66,336 | $85,680 to $115,620
Household of 2: $85,680 |
$2,379 |
3 BedroomAvailable
Minimum Occupancy: 3 peopleMaximum Occupancy: 7 people
Income bracket | Min income (per year) | Max income (per year) | Rent (per month) |
50% AMI | $60,756 | $80,300 to $110,650
Household of 3: $80,300 |
$2,181 |
60% AMI | $73,380 | $96,360 to $132,780
Household of 3: $96,360 |
$2,634 |